+ 359 884 725774


We offer various services in the field of IT, each day adding new and new to our portfolio.


Administration of systems, databases and application servers. Archiving.

Software Design

Development of software solutions, design of online systems and applications

To find you easily on the web

To find you easily on the web


Business consulting in the field of digital marketing



Database administration includes installing, configuring, updating, management, monitoring, export, backup, recovery and maintenance of databases in your organization. We care about the development and design of databases, monitoring and improving the performance of the database, as well as planning for future expansion requirements. Manage user access control. We work with different relational databases to cover the various requirements of our customers - Oracle Database, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc..

Administration of application servers

We offer full service and configure the following application servers: Apache HTTP Server, NginX, Apache Tomcat Server, JBOSS, IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM Portal and others.

Data archiving

We offer a complete solution for backing up and storing your data and systems. Depending on your needs we use different licensed archivers and store your data on various external media. Ensure adequate protection and recovery needs. Keep a history of your backups according to the business requirements of your systems. We offer 24/7 support and response time. We install monitoring software to monitor the state of your machines or systems.
Backup the following databases: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server

Software design


We create specific software optimized 100% for your business needs!
We offer complete software platforms, but also we can develop for your needs various portal solutions, e-commerce, mobile applications. We have developed CRM solutions, Web Socket platforms realitia. Have built their own architectural frameworks were. Mix different technologies in order to achieve better results in performance and user interface.
Provide solutions for our clients comply with the requirements, budget and the implementation deadline.

Web Design

Web design process can be seen as a mix of creative and technical work. Creative artistic work includes construction of individual graphics and audio elements, text formatting. Technical work includes the layout of these elements by computer code used by the relevant standard is then displayed on the monitor. Include further technical development and client-based code, which is most often used to improve the examination of a site and making the most often through JavaScript. We work with individual teams "creative" work and "technical" craftsmanship. Our designers skilled in the development of vision that is modern and meets the requirements of each client.
We offer web design as a final product - HTML pages, images in different formats (mostly gif, jpeg, png), animations (flash), styles (.css), scripts (javascript), etc.
You get the overall look of your site, which you can see on your computer even before you developed productive environment.


SEO optimization in a system aims to enable and direct the search robots (bots) in the online space to more correct and more accurate indexing of the content. This allows search engines such as Google, to choose which words and phrases are most accurate for your content and pushes them forward as results in the search for certain keywords and phrases.

We will take care of "Search Engine Optimization", to improve the indexing of your sites and their positions in search engines. We will help you to attract more visitors and potential customers to choose relevant keywords and rank high in search engines.


We will try to understand the needs of your business and will recommend the optimal mix of tools and advertising channels that you succeed on the Web. Our specialists will navigate through each step of your advertising campaign - the creation of corporate website and its optimization to its promotion in social networks and building company email-marketing. We will create and execute a comprehensive marketing strategy for your business and its presentation on the Internet.

Social Marketing

Предприемчивите потребители използват Facebook и останалите социални медии за обратна връзка със своите клиенти и ги превръщат в активен участник в процеса на развиване на продукта или услугата си. Ние ще ви помогнем да изберете правилните социални медии, правилния подход потребителите ви и ще насочим вашата реклама така, че тя да стигне до точната целева аудитория.

Online Marketing

We will make detailed research of competitive keywords and ads on Facebook and Google's other competitors sites will create exemplary plan for most effectively tailored advertising campaign. These activities will include:

- Development of the Facebook page, through online marketing campaign (generating more likes, traffic, engagement).
- Organization, monitoring and Report of Facebook / Google advertising campaign set of the client budget.
- Mass-mailing advertising campaign - research, collecting and sending emails address basis, consistent with the target consumer group on the site..